Global Market Solutions GmbH is a technological consultant focused on innovation and specializing in the development of projects in information systems.

The Headquarter is in Bockenheimer Landstraße 72, 60323 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under the registration number and legal entity number Ust-IDNr.: DE 288 410 319, as part of its consulting and engineering services, needs to collect and process personal data of candidates, employees, customers, suppliers and third parties.

As the protection of the privacy and personal data of all those who interact with Global Market Solutions GmbH is a concern and priority for us, this privacy and data protection policy has been elaborated. In this way, good practice can be communicated in a clear and transparent way.

All personal data provided will be treated with the guarantee of security and confidentiality required by the legal framework regarding the protection of personal data.


This policy describes a set of guidelines, rules and principles that should be observed by Global Market Solutions GMBH to ensure the protection of the rights of data subjects.

Global Market Solutions GMBH is required to comply with this policy in accordance with the obligations of Regulation 2016/679/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter as "GDPR").

In this sense, Global Market Solutions GMBH seeks to ensure that its internal procedures are in accordance with the legal obligations of the GDPR and that the personal data of its employees, customers, suppliers or service providers and any other data subjects whose personal data Global Market Solutions GMBH S.A processes during this activity, are processed in accordance with the regulatory and legal standards in force and stored securely.


Global Market Solutions GmbH, localized in Bockenheimer Landstraße 72, 60323 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under the registration number and legal entity number Ust-IDNr.: DE 288 410 319 has the Data Controller for the processing of personal data, committed to apply the necessary technical and organizational measures, taking into account all the aspects that may influence the GDPR Compliance fulfilling the fundamental rights of the Data Subjects. To this task, Global Market Solutions GMBH has technologic measures (“privacy-enhancing technologies”) that we seek to constantly upgrade, having collaborators specially assigned to this purpose, revealing our concerns and commitment to the Data Subjects. Besides this, we maintain a nature register of the scope, context, and finalities of the treatments about the stored data that allows us to ensure and prove that the treatments are realized with the guarantee of a total Data subjects protection has a commitment that attests our responsibility.

Contact Details:

  • Postal address: Bockenheimer Landstraße 72, 60323 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Telephone contact: +49 69 133891124
  • Email:

Application and scope

The Present Privacy Policies applies to the collaborators, Data Processors, Joint Controllers, clients, site user’s, trainees, and candidates operating in this Company Universe.

To effect of the present Privacy Policy, each company detains her own legal registration number having her own Privacy Policies independent and autonomous (however, it’s detained by the Group Moongy, S.A.) for responsibility effects, each company (and they’re assents) are independent, not being responsible any of these entities for the acts or omissions of the other entities in the group on what concerns to data privacy aspects.

Department of Global Projects

The Department of Global Projects (DPG) is a part of Moongy S.A, which is a sister Companie localized in the Moongy Group, to which Global Market Solutions GMBH also belongs.

The Department is constituted by professionals with a curriculum, technical and organizational knowledge from different areas who provide support to various subjects, among others: Information Security and Data Protection.

The DPG assists Global Market Solutions GMBH S.A, in the application of the GDPR, being aware, it gets involved properly and in a timely manner, in all issues related to the protection of personal data, taking into account the risks associated with the processing operations, such as its nature, scope, context and purposes. Also ensuring compliance with all established processes in order to preserve the confidentiality of data.

With regard to requesting the rights of holders, reporting violations of personal data and other communications related to the GDPR, this is the point of contact:

  • Global Project Department:


What is Personal Data?

Personal data is the information relative to a Singular Person (Natural Person) identified or identifiable (Data Subject) excluding from its scope the data relative to Legal Persons. It’s considered identified a Natural Person that can be identifiable, direct, or indirectly, in special references to an identificatory, for example, a name, etc.

Which data do we need to treat?

The collectible data is the strictly necessary being limited to the purposes for which they are intended, which are determined, explicit, legitimate, and kept for the strict period in which they may be necessary for their purpose. Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently in relation to the data subject.

To the Compliance of the Company’s activity and has a Data Controller, Global Market Solutions GMBH needs to collect and treat the following data:

Data Category Data to be Collected
Candidate Data - Recruitment Name; date of birth or age; sex; nationality/citizenship/place of birth; residence address; phone number; e-mail address, first language; data and copy of the identification document; immigration status (in case you need a work permit); academic qualifications; academic record; professional history; photography; marital status; household and data on any dependents.
Candidate Data - Contractual Process (Admission) Name; date of birth or age; sex; nationality/citizenship/place of birth; residence address; phone number; e-mail address, first language; data and copy of the identification document, BSN; data and copy of your driver's license and/or other proof of address; financial information (country of banking address, account holder, domiciliation (name of bank), IBAN, BIC (or SWIFT)); other tax information; immigration status (in case you need a work permit); academic qualifications, proof of qualifications, academic record; professional history, photography, emergency contacts; marital status, household and data on any dependents.
Customer Data - Contractual Process
Name, telephone number and e-mail address of employees of the client company.
Supplier Data - Contractual Process Name, telephone number and e-mail address of employees of the client company, as well as financial information (country of bank domicile, account holder, domiciliation (name of bank), IBAN, BIC (or SWIFT)).
External Trainees Data
Name, telephone number and e-mail address; identification document; nationality; date of birth.
User Data of Website
Cookies collect generic information, namely: i) IP address; ii) date, time, duration and frequency that you access the site; iii) the way you arrive and use the website; ii) information related to your authorizations; iii) the area of the country in which you access the website.

What is the purpose of the treatment?

Data Category Purpose of the Treatment
Candidate’s Data
The following are used for recruitment:
  • Fit the candidate in the respective business opportunities;
  • Conducting interviews;
  • Forward the candidate for client’s qualification;;
  • Presentation of pre-proposal.
  • Colaborator’s Data
    The following are used to:
    • Human Resources Management;
    • Staff selection and recruitment;
    • IProcessing of remuneration, benefits and allowances, including garnishment of wages and refund of expenses;
    • Safety and health at work;
    • Management of disciplinary sanctions;
    • Professional qualification;
    • Time attendance / control.
    Client’s Data
    • The data collected from our clients is quite limited, and the main reason for this collection is to ensure that the contractual provisions established are properly applied, so that the relationship unfolds without constraints. The use of this data is based on the main purposes:
    • Provide a consulting service;
    • If the service we provide to you is carried out in association with any of our partners, we will have to share your data in order to provide you with the best possible service.
    • Provide training services.
    Supplier’s Data
    • We only use the data to ensure that the contractual provisions comply with legal obligations, that our relationship and communication takes place without any constraints, as well as to guarantee the processing of payments.
    External Trainees Data
    • They are used for:
    • Effect of management and holding of training sessions.
    • Issuance of certificates;
    • Historic effects;
    • To help us improve the training experience and content.
    Site user’s data
    • They are used for:
    • Improve the user’s experience of our website

    Legal Purpose of treatment

    The Purposes of treatment of the personal data are determined by the execution of diverse kinds of formalized contracts that become needed to continue the entire activity of the company, among them we state:

    • The execution of the service provision contracts that we maintain with our customers;
    • Employment contracts we have with our employees;
    • Management of internal processes for customers and employees;
    • Accounting, fiscal and administrative management;
    • Litigation management;
    • Physical security control and compliance with legal obligations.

    In GDPR terms, we are legitimated by the following legal purposes (Lawfulness of Processing):

    1. Execution of contracts or pre-contractual steps – Processing is necessary for the conclusion, execution, and management of contracts to which the data subject is a party, or at the request of the data subject.
    2. Compliance with Legal Obligation – For the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the company is subject. For example, communication of tax data.
    3. Pursuing a legitimate interest, such as the safety of people and goods, the improvement of the quality of a service, to promote transparency within the scope of Social Responsibility. Global Market Solutions GMBH performs a duly registered balancing test that ensures the legitimacy of the treatment.
    4. Consent - Whenever the legal grounds listed above are not applicable, Global Market Solutions GMBH requests the Data Subject's Consent. Consent is a free, specific, informed, and explicit expression of will through an unequivocal (and written) declaration or act in which the Data Subject authorizes the Treatment.

    The withdrawal of consent can be requested at any time, by sending a simple request to the email address:

    The Personal Data collected by us will be treated and kept according to the purposes and for the minimum period legally necessary.

    Whom can we share your data?

    Global Market Solutions GMBH may, in the scope of its basic activities, disclose the data collected to fulfill the purposes indicated in this policy, being provided to the entities of the Global Market Solutions GMBH network’s only the data strictly necessary for the execution of the service, based on the fulfillment of legal obligation (for example salary processing or any tax obligation that requires it), and may also, to the strictly necessary, be communicated to official entities whenever this is legally required and may be handled by suppliers of the company (for example internal and external auditors that allows us to preserve and improve the quality of the service).

    In this sense, the entire scope of this policy extends to the treatments of third parties and data processors, considering:

    • Compliance with the treatment of the GDPR, this privacy policy and a legal, fair and transparent treatment;
    • The data collected are merely instrumental to our activity, intended to pursue a certain, specific, and legitimate purpose. Any further processing cannot be incompatible with the specific purposes;
    • The data collected will be those strictly necessary for the purpose, which are adequate, relevant and necessary for the purposes and collection of treatment, taking into account the principle of data minimization;
    • The data will be kept accurate and updated in order to guarantee the principle of accuracy and guaranteeing their integrity and confidentiality;
    • Still regarding integrity and confidentiality, there cannot be any illegal and/or unauthorized treatment in order to prevent any loss, destruction, or damage to data by adopting all appropriate technical and organizational measures;
    • The conservation of the Data Subject's data is a concern for Global Market Solutions GMBH, therefore, the data will remain identifiable solely and exclusively for the necessary period to fulfill the purposes for which the data’s processed.

    How do we design new products?

    Whenever a new product is developed, it is ensured in the design itself (as a primary aspect) that it has the most advanced technical and organizational measures available to Global Market Solutions GMBH (taking into account the risks arising from the treatment for the rights and freedoms of the data, as well as the arising risks to the treatment for the rights and freedoms of the natural persons, being aware of the variability, probability and severity) while maintaining privacy as a pillar throughout the processing process. In this way, the application of all the principles determined by the GDPR from conception is guaranteed, protecting Data Subjects, and ensuring the rights of data subjects.

    In short, Global Market Solutions GMBH is commited to implement and have privacy present in the product development phase and throughout the treatment to ensure data protection from the very conception of the product (“Privacy by Design”).

    How long will the data be kept?

    The data will be kept for: the period necessary for the purposes they are intended too, and they are processed within the scope of our activity; for a maximum period of 5 years for staff selection and recruitment; for the periods required by the legal obligations to which we are subjects.


    Rights of the data subject

    The Data subject has the following rights, which he can easily and free of charge request, through the following e-mail:

    Only in case of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests may a fee be charged for the exercise of these rights (in accordance with article 15, No. 3 from GDPR).

    Access Right

    The data subject has the right to question whether or not the data is being processed and, if so, the right to access their personal data and to be provided with the following information:

    • Purpose of the treatment;
    • Categories of data to be processed;
    • Third parties to whom the data will be disclosed;
    • Expected retention periods or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to set that period;
    • Existence of the right to request rectification, erasure, limitation of treatment or opposition to the treatment;
    • Security and destination measures related to the transfer of data to third countries;
    • Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

    The data subject also has the right to obtain a copy of the personal data being processed.

    According to Section 34(1) of the BDSG, this right of access shall not apply if the data was recorded only because it may not be erased due to legal or statutory retention provisions or only serve the purpose of monitoring data protection or safeguarding data, and in each case providing information would require a disproportionate effort and appropriate technical and organizational measures make processing for other purposes impossible.

    Rectification Right

    The data subject has the right to request and obtain the rectification of inaccurate data and to request that incomplete personal data is completed without undue delay.

    Right to be Forgotten

    The data subject has the right to request the erasure of his personal data, without undue delay, whenever they are no longer accurate for the purpose that motivated their collection or treatment. He may also decide to withdraw his consent to the processing of his personal data whenever he wants to enjoy the right to oppose it.

    Section 35(1) of the BDSG provides that data subjects do not have a right to erasure in case of non-automated processing if the erasure would be impossible or involve a disproportionate effort due to the mode of storage, provided the data subject's interest in erasure may be regarded as minimal and the data was processed lawfully. Restriction of processing will then apply instead of a right to erasure.

    Right to limitation of Treatment

    The data subject has the right to limit/restrict the processing of his/her personal data whenever one of the following situations occurs:

    1. If the data are inaccurate and they are contested during the period in which it is possible to verify their accuracy;
    2. If the treatment is unlawful, but the data subject opposes to the end of the treatment and only wants to limit its use;
    3. If the data controller no longer needs the data for processing, but such data required by the data subject for the purposes of declaring, exercising or defending a right in a judicial process;
    4. If at any time you have objected to the respective processing and it has not ceased (i) for imperative and legitimate reasons presented to the controller or (ii) for the purposes of declaring, exercising, or defending a right in a legal proceeding

    In the situations listed above, you may be asked to suspend processing or limit the scope of processing to certain categories of data (for example only providing full name and address) or even specific processing purposes.

    Notification Right

    Whenever the data subject is requested to rectify, erase or limit the processing of data, the person responsible for the treatment informs the data subject that he has proceeded in accordance with the request, unless such communication proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. If the data subject so requests, the controller provides information on said recipients, or if any specific section contemplated in the BDSG (as for example Judicial motive) impedes the duty of notification.

    Data Portability Right

    The data subject has the right to receive personal data concerning him in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format without Global Market Solutions GMBH being able to object under the terms of article 20 No. 1 of the GDPR:

    • if the processing is based on a contract;
    • the data subject has given consent;
    • processing is carried out by automated means.

    How can I exercise my rights?

    To exercise any of these rights or for any questions regarding the processing of their personal data, the data subject must address a request to the person responsible for processing, the e-mail address to make the request:

    Although these rights are clarified to the data subject when collecting the respective personal data, in case of doubts, the data subject can contact the person responsible for the treatment by e-mail:


    How do we Protect your Data?

    Global Market Solutions GMBH has been working to maintain and preserve personal data providing a high level of security. In compliance with the principle of security, secrecy, and privacy, we guarantee the processing of your data only by authorized persons, only accessing and processing your data by those who have the legitimacy to do so, always doing so in a confidential manner. The “need-to-know” principle was adopted, where employees can only have access to personal data if it is strictly necessary for the performance of their duties. Treatment outside this scope is considered prohibited and submitted to disciplinary sanctions, in accordance with our internal security and confidentiality policies and procedures, which are periodically updated as necessary.

    Depending on the nature, scope, context, and purposes of data processing, as well as the risks arising from the treatment for the rights and freedoms of the data subject, we apply, both when defining the means of treatment and when processing, the necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures for data protection.

    Employees are not allowed to use personal data for private or economic purposes, transmit them to unauthorized third parties and/or allow access in any other way.

    Global Market Solutions GMBH also undertakes to ensure that, by default, only relevant, necessary, and appropriate data will be processed for each specific purpose of the treatment and that such data are not made available without human intervention to an undefined number of people.

    Although this is not foreseen, if the transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Union is carried out, the applicable legal provisions are observed, namely regarding the determination of the suitability of such country regarding data protection and the requirements applicable to such transfers.

    Security measures were also defined, ranging from best practices to the prevention of external threats. These are described in the security policy. If you wish to have access to it, you can request it by sending an e-mail to:

    Global Projects Department

    Global Market Solutions GMBH assisted by the DPG is responsible for:

    1. Act on behalf of the Data Controller with respect to all duties and obligations under the GDPR;
    2. Monitor and control the compliance of processes with the GDPR and with the policies implemented properly and in a timely manner;
    3. Ensuring that it has all the resources necessary for the performance of its functions;
    4. Act as a point of contact for requests from data subjects regarding the processing of their personal data and the exercise of their rights;
    5. Carry out an impact assessment on data protection if a certain type of treatment so requires.

    Violation of Personal Data

    t is considered a violation of personal data any act that calls into question the security of the data, in an accidental or unlawful manner, and causes the unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or subject to any other type of treatment.

    We can firmly declare that Global Market Solutions GMBH has been working to maintain and preserve personal data with a high level of security. However, small, unexpected deviations may occur.

    If any of our candidates, employees, customers, data processers or third parties detect or suspect of a possible personal data breach, they should immediately send an email to indicating what has happen, as well as identify the data that may be involved. In this way, the responsible department can act quickly and adequately, in accordance with the rules established in the Regulation.

    In case of a data breach and to the extent that such breach is likely to entail a high risk for the rights and freedoms of customers, workers and other employees and/or partners, we undertake to report such breach to German Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BfDI), within 72 hours of becoming aware of the incident, and to the holders of personal data whenever such breach is likely to entail a high risk for their rights.


    What are cookies?

    Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your computer or on your mobile device through your browser. By browsing, they record their preferences and allow the website to identify your device the next time you access it.

    At any time, you can decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, check, or change the type of cookies, and block the entry of cookies in your system, through the settings of your browser.

    Why are they used?

    Cookies are an essential part of the functioning of our website and to facilitate your navigation on the Platform, with their main objective being to improve the user's search experience. For example, they are used to help determine the usefulness, interest, and number of uses of the website, allow faster and more efficient navigation, and eliminate too the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

    The information collected by Cookies also allows us to improve the website through estimates and usage patterns and allow its suitability to the individual interests of users.

    As described below, the website uses technical or strictly necessary cookies, performance cookies, functionality cookies and advertising cookies. Each of these cookies can be installed by Global Market Solutions GMBH websites (own cookies) or by websites external to Global Market Solutions GMBH (third party cookies) and can be removed as soon as the user leaves the website (session cookies) or remain in the terminal equipment after the user leave the website (persistent cookies).

    The cookies currently used by the website are as follows:

    Technical or strictly necessary cookies

    Technical or strictly necessary cookies are cookies installed to allow navigation on the website, allowing a correct user experience, namely website security or consent management. For this reason, these cookies do not require your consent.

    Cookie Supplier
    Cookie Designation
    Purpose Cookie Nature Duration
    Cookiebot CookieConsent Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain. Third Parties 1 year

    Performance cookies

    Performance or performance cookies allow counting visits and traffic sources, so that Global Market Solutions GMBH can measure and improve website performance. These cookies help us to know which pages most are visited and to analyze how visitors use the website. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous.

    Cookie Supplier
    Cookie Designation
    Purpose Cookie Nature Duration
    _ga_53ES0TGR8J This cookie is used by Google Analytics to persist session state. Third-Party 1 year and 1 month
    _ga This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. Third-Party 1 year and 1 month

    Advertising cookies

    Advertising cookies are cookies that make it possible to present the user with advertisements that are deemed to be suitable for their interests and preferences. These cookies are installed by our advertising partners and can be used by these partners to build a profile based on your interests and show you relevant advertisements on other websites.

    Revocation and management of consents

    The user may, at any time, revoke or change the preferences of consents previously granted. To do this, simply access the tool Cookies Management.

    The use of cookies can also be defined in the preferences of your browser (browser), namely in the privacy options. For this purpose, we recommend that you refer to the help section/menu of your browser or visit the respective provider’s web pages.

    Complaint to the Supervisory Authority

    Although the existence of Global Market Solutions GMBH, commitment to resolve any type of situation. The Data Subject has the right to file a complaint to the competent authorities (BfDI) if any of the rights is denied.

    From the competent authority:

    Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit

    Postfach 31 63

    65021 Wiesbaden

    Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1

    65189 Wiesbaden

    Telefon: +49 611 1408 0


    Changes to the Privacy Policy

    Global Market Solutions GMBH reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, being that change duly published here.

    In any case, we suggest that you review this Policy regularly so that, in the event of changes or updates being introduced, you can always be properly informed about them.

    Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

    The privacy policy as well as the collection, processing or transmission of data from customers, employees and partners are governed by the provisions of regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament of the Council, of April 27, 2016 and by the applicable legislation and regulations.

    Any Disputes arising from the validity, interpretation, or execution of the Privacy Policy, or that are related to the collection, processing, or transmission of Customer data, must be submitted exclusively to the jurisdiction of the judicial court of Frankfurt, without prejudice of any legal imperatives rules applicable.


    If you have any doubts, wish to exercise your rights, suggestions or complaints regarding Data Protection and this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at our email address:


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